Creative Riots
This year, we are reminding Fun Palaces Makers that their Fun Palaces (which can be tiny, and scrappy, and last-minute – and tiny is mighty!) can be #CreativeRiots too. You and your community know best what you need, and whether or not you are getting it just now. Your Fun Palace can be a way to use your voice and make yourselves heard.
Over the coming months we will be sharing our own ideas for Creative Riots, and signposting you to other organisations and resources you might find useful. From banner making, to letter writing, to music making, to creating a portable protest. And we hope you might share your own ideas with us too! If you have an idea for a Creative Riot email
Tiny Revolutions of Connection
Tiny Revolutions of Connection came to be in the first Covid-19 lockdown. Below is the original invitation, and some of the activities – all of which would be fun things to do at a Fun Palace.
We have always said that Fun Palaces are about the tiniest of connections, person to person – and that the process of creating a Fun Palace is easily as important as what happens on the weekend. As we said in our original Manifesto:
We believe we can do this together, locally, with radical fun – and that anyone, anywhere, can make a Fun Palace.
Now it’s time to give it a try …
We are sharing practical suggestions, tiny steps anyone can take to connect a little more in their local community or simply pass time creatively in self-isolation. These steps are both online and OFFline – while a great deal of connection is moving online right now, this is not available to everyone and we want Fun Palaces, as ever, to be for anyone who wants to connect.
Try out these ideas (all of which are great for a Fun Palace) and send us your suggestions (email us) – we can share these as blogs, videos or audio. Keep it brief, 300 written words or 2-3 mins maximum of recorded material, that way we’ll have space to share even more.
We have made dozens of Tiny Revolutions into PDFs so you can download and print to share with people offline. Or we can print & post them to you if you’d like to share in your community with vulnerable or isolated people. Let us know.
The Tiny Revolutions below are activities to do at any time – in isolation, socially distanced and in person, maybe at a Fun Palace in October?
#TinyRevolutions – Build a Bug Hotel

#TinyRevolutions – Go Parachuting (Sort of)

#TinyRevolutions – Rocks of Kindness

#TinyRevolutions – HomeMadeHero

#TinyRevolutions – Mobile Coffee Mornings

#TinyRevolutions – Tell a story with your neighbours

#TinyRevolutions – Make a Lantern Jar

#TinyRevolutions – Gratitude

#TinyRevolutions – #SoundsoftheForest

#TinyRevolutions – The White Fox

#TinyRevolutions – #SharingJoy

#TinyRevolutions – Post Quarantine

#TinyRevolutions – #WalkingBetter

#TinyRevolutions – Make a Shrine

#TinyRevolutions – #LowSpoonMeals

#TinyRevolutions – Dress How You feel

#TinyRevolutions – Tree of Life

#TinyRevolutions – Rewilding

#TinyRevolutions – The Fairy Doors of Leith

#TinyRevolutions – Little Box of Friendship

#TinyRevolutions – kitchen creatures
#TinyRevolutions – tadpole update!

#TinyRevolutions – drama challenges
TinyRevolutions – MaskerAid

#TinyRevolutions – paddling & growing, together
#TinyRevolutions – frozen flowers

#TinyRevolutions – help make #CoronaQuilt

TinyRevolutions – yodel for community!

#TinyRevolutions – connecting locally through gardening

#TinyRevolutions – physical postcards from Cornwall

#TinyRevolutions – collecting frogspawn, nature connections

#TinyRevolutions – make a nature rainbow

#TinyRevolutions – zine making to share with others

#TinyRevolutions – pompom connections

#TinyRevolutions – bunting from recycled paper

#TinyRevolutions – listening differently

#TinyRevolutions – seed papers

#TinyRevolutions – find the heartbeat of trees
#TinyRevolutions – a poem from Northern Ireland

#TinyRevolutions – Front of House

#TinyRevolutions – #2metremasterpiece

#TinyRevolutions – creating sonic connections
#TinyRevolutions – vegetable connections!

#TinyRevolutions – craft connecting

#TinyRevolutions – bear windows from NZ

#TinyRevolutions – family trees

#TinyRevolutions – connecting with nature

#TinyRevolutions – saying thank you

#TinyRevolutions – games and creativity local & at a distance
#TinyRevolutions – Welsh lessons from Bethan in North Wales
#TinyRevolutions – ways to connect OFFline as well as on

#TinyRevolutions – make your own table tennis game
TinyRevolutions – Jack and a coat hanger.
#TinyRevolutions – learn Scots Gaelic
#TinyRevolutions – create a community quilt

#TinyRevolutions – learn to count from 1-20 in Irish

@TinyRevolutions – local creative connections

#TinyRevolutions – share a poem – or ten

#TinyRevolutions – remembering an anxious neighbour

TinyRevolutions – doorstep or balcony connections

#TinyRevolutions – message in a bottle

#TinyRevolutions – socially distant bookstall