Another Tiny Revolution from the Highlands. One of our two Fun Palaces Ambassadors in Scotland, Alis Ballance says …
I got the mask-making idea from a friend, Kristiana Gotzsche-Robertson, who has been making masks for family, with the awareness that they are not medical-grade masks. I thought it would be lovely to send folk a mask along with the pattern/making instructions and ask them to make a mask and pass it on – connect with someone, share a new skill and help in the collective effort against Corona.
Instructions … (wash your hands first!)
1. Cut out this shape. 12cm sides, 15cm down the middle, 5cm along the bottom, curved at top.
2. Draw round it on fabric twice.
3. Place 1 fabric shape on top of the other (pattern-side in).
4. Sew together along curved edge, then unfold.
5. Repeat this, so you now have 2 pieces of fabric, each one joined along their curved edge, to be the inside/outside of your mask.
6. Place these 2 pieces on top of each other, again pattern face-in.
7. Sew together along short edges and 1 long edge and turn mask right-side-out.
8. Attach 30cm ribbons as in the image above.
9. Send to a friend along with the instructions (download & print PDF below) – they can use the mask and perhaps make another to send on to someone else.
we are also happy to print & send to you – contact us here