#TinyRevolutions – message in a bottle

From Alis, our Scotland Ambassador in the Highlands – a way of staying connected with friend and neighbours that are not online or on a screen. Going out and making more personal contact at a safe distance … 

Ossian Ballance has got the bottle!

Q: Ossian, what have you got the bottle to do then? 

A: Well, I’ve got the bottle to share with everyone how I’m feeling at the moment! I wrote on a piece of paper how I’m feeling about the school closing and put the piece of paper in a bottle then hung it on a tree by the mailboxes at Torran where I live! So, now everyone can see how I’m feeling. 

Q: So, how are you feeling? 

A: I’ve said I’m in 2 minds about the school closing. 

Q: Really? You’re not just excited about the school closing like you would be at holiday time? 

A: No, because this time I won’t be able to see my friends the same way and it’s for longer. And I’m not quite used to home schooling yet. But it is fun to be off school and I get to play with my brother and on the Xbox and out on the swing at Torran and stuff. 

Q: Ok, that’s understandable. And what’s with the bottle idea? Are you inviting other people to write a message in a bottle to share so that you can keep in touch with your friends and other pupils at your school just now? 

A: Yeah that’s right. I’m inviting other kids (or grown-ups!) at Torran and Drumbuie to write a message and put it in a bottle to share at the mailboxes. And I’m inviting other kids in Drumnadrochit or other places to do the same in their neighbourhood. 

Q: Sounds fun! Any tips for others doing this? 

A: Yeah, it’s a bit tricky to get your message into the bottle and then get it in place so you can read the message. You need to play about with it for a bit. Actually if you’ve just washed the bottle and it’s still a bit wet but not too wet, that helps the message curl open and stick to the curves of the bottle! 

Q: Thanks for the advice Ossian! And if people want to send pictures of them with their bottles where do they send them? 

A: Email your photos to Fun Palaces Alis at Eden Court.

Send us your images and stories of trying any #TinyRevolutions and we’ll share them here – and email us with your new ideas too!