#TinyRevolutions – Kitchen Creatures

Here’s a Tiny Revolution from Rhian Williams in Penybontfawr, Wales.

These playful creatures are very adaptable, and don’t mind being made with any scrap materials from around the home.  If you don’t have a large tin or jam jar lids, any container will do.  If you don’t have lids or any pieces of tin, pieces of card from cereal boxes will be great for the eyes, beak and feet. The creatures might be ok to spend some time outside, depending on the weather. Please note that if you make your creatures using empty tins, they won’t be suitable to use as a toy.

To make an Owl like Rhian’s you will need:

  • One large tin
  • Two jam jar lids.
  • A piece of tin e.g. a lid from a ring-pull can or fish tin, folded with care to make a beak.
  • Two milk container lids.
  • Two forks (for the owl’s feet)
  • Strong adhesive or a glue gun.
  • A drill if you have one.

Remove the label and wash the tin with a washing up brush, looking out for sharp bits of metal that might cause an injury.
Glue the large eye circles into position, and the smaller circles inside.
Fold the piece of tin into triangle, taking great care not to injure yourself. This can be done on a chopping board, using the back of a wooden spoon to press any folded edges down flat. Carefully curve the triangle to make a beak-shape and blue the straight edge of the beak onto the face.

With the owl upside down, position the forks (feet) and glue them into place.
If you have access to a drill, make two holes on opposite sides of the tin, close to the top and tie a piece of string through them. Now you can hang your owl.

To make a Bug like Rhian’s, you will need:

  • An empty, clean tin.
  • Paint that’s suitable for a metal surface (or decorate the can with wrapping paper).
  • Small circles cut from thin plastic or a cereal box for the eyes.
  • Pipe-cleaners to make wings.
  • Strong adhesive or a glue gun.
  • A stick or short bamboo cane.
  • A drill if you have one.

Remove the label and wash the tin with a washing up brush, looking out for sharp bits of metal that might cause an injury. Paint the tin (or cover it with wrapping paper or plain paper that you can decorate yourself).

Loop the pipe-cleaner to create a pair of wings and glue them into place.

If you have a drill, make a hole in the can at the position where you’d like to place the stick or bamboo cane. Glue the stick into place so that the bug doesn’t fly off or spin around.

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