Art Refuge uses art and art therapy to support the mental health and well-being of people displaced due to conflict, persecution and poverty, both in the UK and internationally. Now they are offering art as a thread to connect us with each other and offer hope and ways of coping through the coronavirus. Here’s their offer:
Help make a CoronaQuilt
The Corona pattern is a traditional pattern, a bit like a crown, made up of triangles and squares, sewn together to make a patchwork cloth. The design and style of your individual square is up to you, and the uniqueness and variation across the world is what will make this project wonderful.
What to do
Make a square image using collage, paint, drawing, photography or text on the theme of RITUALS OF THE EVERYDAY. You could use a piece of cloth or paper 21x21cm square (the length of the short side of an A4 sheet of paper) or take a photo on your mobile phone using a square format. You can sew, draw, collage, glue, write, photograph. If you have none of these materials, but you have the technology, you can make an image on an i-pad or smartphone. If you can’t get the size or shape right it doesn’t matter.
Send a photo of your finished square with your name and a short description. (Let us know if you prefer to be anonymous). ArtRefuge will share your square on social media #coronaquilt and website and will stitch the squares together to create a virtual quilt which you will be able to see grow online.
Once the coronavirus has come to a close, and we are returning to ordinary patterns of life, we encourage you to connect in your local community. Bring your individual squares to make a collective coronaquilt. Exhibit the complete patchwork quilt in your school, town hall or older people’s home – as a collective celebration of resilience, and the Rituals of the Everyday, that have carried each individual person through this challenging time.
Until then, email Art Refuge photos of your square or direct message on Instagram @coronaquilt. They will upload to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
we are also happy to print & send to you – contact us here