We welcome suggestions of #TinyRevolutions from Fun Palaces Makers and anyone else finding new ways to connect in their community, especially with those who are OFFline.
Vegetable Entertainer (yes, it’s a thing) and Fun Palaces Maker Mme Zucchini got in touch to share her vegetable creations. She’s sharing some of them in her front window to entertain and connect with those passing by.
Hello, I’m Mme Zucchini, and I entertain with vegetables. I create from what’s in my fridge or I might look for a special character, like the Mooli for Peas Witherspoon. I use craft sticks and veg shapes to make the eyes, mouth, hair – hers is made from pea shoots, a bit of a speciality, I think you’ll agree. Why not have a go yourself? It can be as simple as starting with a potato or a few bits of carrot, celery, whatever you have to hand. You could even make a souperhero character – this one, called Stan, only needs some stock to become a marvellous soup. (NB. please remove sticks 😁)
Let us know about anything you’re sharing in your front window or balcony or doorstep to make links with people passing by. Most of us may only be leaving our homes once a day, if that, but seeing others efforts to reach out can make a real difference when we’re feeling lonely or anxious or scared. Email your ideas to us here.
we are also happy to print & send to you – contact us here