Fun Palaces agrees that it is always unacceptable for a child or any person to experience abuse and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and adults at risk, by a commitment to a practice that protects them.
We recognise that:
- the welfare of the child / adult at risk is paramount and that anyone, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, economic status, sexual orientation or identity, has the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;
- working in partnership with children, adults at risk, their parents, carers and their agencies is essential in promoting their welfare;
- Child abuse can take four main forms, all of which can cause long-term damage to a child: physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and sexual abuse. Bullying and domestic violence are also forms of child abuse.
The purpose of the policy:
- to outline the behaviour expected of everyone working for Fun Palaces or volunteering for Fun Palaces (ie all those involved in Fun Palaces weekend as Makers).
- Fun Palaces designated Child Protection and Safeguarding Lead is producer, Amie Taylor.
- Fun Palaces will comply with all updated changes in legislation and policies for protection for young people and children.
- Fun Palaces will ensure that all those who work for Fun Palaces (paid and volunteers) are aware of these guidelines.
Working with groups that include or may include young people or adults at risk (this may include a workshop at a Fun Palace or a workshop about Fun Palaces run by the core team.)
- If the workshop is in an enclosed room with a shut door, it is essential that, at all times, there are at least two responsible adults facilitating the activity.
- The ratio in terms of responsible adults to participants in the group is 1:8 children under 16yrs and 1:10 for older groups.
- All relevant staff and volunteers will be required to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring service check carried out before the start of their contact time with children / adults at risk. Checks are considered valid for three years as per statutory guidance.
- Parents / carers are responsible for the safety of their young people and should be present with their designated children / group.
- A Fun Palace Maker or workshop facilitator should never be left alone with a school group, or with a vulnerable adult or be responsible for their safety.
- If a child / vulnerable adult is injured whilst participating in a Fun Palace workshop or at a Fun Palace, a record must be made in the host venue’s accident book or report form. The record must be countersigned by the person responsible for the individual or by a responsible member of staff if they are not present.
Confidentiality and data protection
- The legal principle is that the ‘welfare of the child is paramount’. Privacy and confidentiality should be respected where possible but if doing this leaves a child at risk of harm then the child’s safety has to come first. Legally, it is fine to share information if someone is worried about the safety of a child or adult at risk. Not everyone needs to know when a concern or worry is raised. Information should be handled and disseminated on a ‘need to know’ basis only. In the first case, the designated Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer should be contacted.
- Fun Palaces will support confidentiality and the protection of data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR).
- Any material relating to reported incidents, concerns and referrals must be kept securely.
Film and photos
- Any photographs or films taken of children / adults at risk participating in any Fun Palace / workshop will only be carried out with the full consent of the children’s parents/carers and in consultation with the children involved.
- Parents’/carers’ permission will also be required for using photographs or footage of their children in any publicity material, including web-based materials and across all social media platforms.
- All images of children sent to Fun Palaces will be kept in a safe place (on the company drop-box, which is accessible only by Fun Palaces HQ and is password protected).
Reporting / whistle blowing
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken extremely seriously and responded to immediately and appropriately.
- For all incidents contact your designated safeguarding lead. They will seek external guidance as appropriate and agree to take action as follows:
- what action to take e.g. need more information, discuss with third party, refer to social care services, refer to the police
- what degree of urgency is needed in taking action; and timetable for action
- whether separate process is needed for dealing with suspected abuser –e.g. disciplinary procedure, referral to LADO, the police
- whether/how to inform parent/carer
- what to discuss with child/ adult and how to support them
- how to manage confidentiality
- ensure detailed written record is made within 2 working days
- consider support needs of staff member
- ensure record to be stored securely and confidentially
- follow up with any agencies (i.e. CAF) and child/adult and parent/ carer as appropriate.
Terminology and acronyms
For the purpose of this policy and the definition of abuse, the term child refers to any person up to the age of 18 and to adult at risk to any person of 18 years and above. An Adult at risk is someone unable to safeguard her/him/themself against significant harm or exploitation OR is/ may be unable to take care of themselves and in need of Community Care Services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness. It may therefore include people who are elderly or frail or those with a physical or learning disability, sensory impairment, poor mental health, dementia, alcohol/substance misuse or any other long term illness that impacts on their capacity or persons who lack capacity for any other reason.
Individual Fun Palaces
Fun Palaces expects all Fun Palaces registered on the Fun Palaces website to have made themselves aware of these Safeguarding Processes and Procedures. In addition, if your Fun Palace involves working directly with Children and Adults at Risk, we would expect you to:
- Have a nominated member of staff (a Designated Safeguarding Lead) who has the knowledge and skills to promote safe environments for Children and Adults at Risk and is able to respond to concerns and disclosures.
- Ensure everyone understands their safeguarding roles and responsibilities and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to concerns and disclosures relating to the protection of Children and Adults at Risk.
- Take out an appropriately detailed DBS/PVG check for staff / volunteers who will come into contact with Children and Adults at Risk.
- Invest in up-to-date, proportionate safeguarding training for people in your organisation / community group
- Include safeguarding in all risk assessments. Particular diligence is required when assessing risk for disabled members.
General information, advice and training
- Child safeguarding for the voluntary and community sector:
- Adult safeguarding:
- Worried about a child? NSPCC Helpline for 24/7 help, advice and support 0808 800 5000 or
- ChildLine:0800 1111 (textphone 0800 400 222) or